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Copyright © 07 okt 2012 09:36 Flemming Bitz 

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Bøger om langturssejlads - anbefalet af Flemming Bitz, Erik Lisberg og Arne Poulsen


På denne side har jeg samlet en oversigt over diverse bøger, som jeg har brugt under S/Y NETTE's tur til Caribien.
NB!: Søfartens Bibliotek - – har mange bøger for sejlere, ikke mindst langturssejlere og alle kan låne!

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NB: Jeg har netop selv købt 2 bøger (februar 2001) fra Internet Bookshop (UK)  og jeg kom ikke til at betale moms! Jeg tror at årsagen er at Internet Bookshop (UK) ikke har så stor omsætning til Danmark - i modsætning til Amazon UK -  at de ikke skal betale moms. 

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Pilots og planlægningsbøger:

The Atlantic Crossing Guide by Anne  Hammick From  RCC Pilotage Foundation

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Har man planer om at sejle til Caribien, så er det denne bog, du skal starte med. Den indeholder et væld af nyttige informationer om, hvorledes en sådan tur planlægges. Bogen indeholder desuden pilot-informationer for de mest strategiske havne på en tur til Caribien. Bermuda, som ikke dækkes af de efterfølgende pilots, dækket af denne bog. Hvis du ikke har råd til at købe andre pilots, så køb denne!

Engelsk Reviews

For many sailors and yachtsmen, the ultimate challenge is to cross an ocean by the power of nature alone. Months of preparation and sheer dedication are required for such an adventure, but anybody who wishes to accept the challenge, or indeed is curious for an insight into such an adventure, should purchase The Atlantic Crossing Guide. This book is more like an ongoing project as the original publication was produced by the Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation in 1983 by the late Phil Allen and has now reached its 4th edition under the guidance of Hammick and McLaren. Every aspect of long-haul sailing is addressed the 230 pages, ranging from preparing the boat and equipment, navigation and communications, and suggested sailing routes. Weather guidelines are given for both the north and south Atlantic and advice of how to cope with extremes of weather. There are also weather and coastal charts of some of the main harbours on both sides of the Atlantic in England, Spain, Portugal, United States and even Bermuda and South Africa. This is a thorough guide for anybody who is considering a transatlantic voyage and will give all the information you need to begin your preparation for the adventure. --Steven Payne

Editorial Reviews  Book Description

Since it was first published in 1983, The Atlantic Crossing Guide has become the established reference for all those planning an Atlantic passage. It covers choosing and equipping a boat, route planning, provisioning, navigation, safety, landfalls, port details, suggested pilot books, regional weather information, details of winds and currents, and advice on the formalities to be completed on arrival in each country. Among the questions it answers: what are the recommended routes to take? which are the best times of the year to cross? what extra equipment should I fit, and what stores should I take? what weather might I expect to encounter en-route? what sort of radio should I choose? and what are the licensing procedures? what are the facilities at my destination? We have published the North American editions of this guide, starting with the second edition, since 1988. In this edition, Part One (Preparations) is completely overhauled, and new route, landfall and port descriptions have been added. Also new is an 8-page-color photo insert.

Engelsk Synopsis

A reference book for all those planning an Atlantic passage. It provides information from choosing and equipping a suitable boat, route planning, provisioning, navigation, safety, landfalls, port details and suggested pilot books. It also includes regional weather information, details of ocean winds and currents, and advice on formalities to be completed on arrival in each country. Prospective transatlantic voyagers find advice on the recommended routes to take; the best times of the year to cross; what extra equipment should be fitted; what stores should be taken; and what the facilities are at the destinations. It includes updated information on new harbours, electronic navigation and communications.

Pacific Crossing Guide by Michael  Pocock  From  RCC Pilotage Foundation

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Fra Amazon. UK

Har man planer om at sejle Jorden rundt så har du brug for denne bog om Stillehavet.  Den indeholder et væld af nyttige informationer om, hvorledes turen over Stillehavet  planlægges. Bogen indeholder desuden pilot-informationer for de mest strategiske havne.

Editorial Reviews  48 North, May 1998

If plans are taking shape that include the Marquesas, or if the Vic-Maui or Pacific Cup races mean a crossing to or from Hawaii this year, then the release of the RCC Pilotage Foundation's, The Pacific Crossing Guide, will be a welcome piece of news in the lives of passage planners. Coming in the wake of the highly successful Atlantic Crossing Guide the Pacific edition brings us an outstanding new reference to cruising our favorite ocean, along with a wealth of new and current information on the Coconut Milk Run, perhaps the world's most fabled cruising grounds....

Of particular interest this 1998 sailing season is the book's excellent overview of our now infamous current and weather pattern, the Southern Oscillation (SO) a.k.a. El Nino....

One final highlight that offers a rare glimpse of the seductive powers of this region, is the outstanding foreword to the volume.

Reviews  Synopsis

This is the sister volume to "The Atlantic Crossing Guide" and follows a similar format, giving first-hand advice on a wide range of practical matters which should be valuable for anyone planning a Pacific crossing, whether as part of a circumnavigation or merely to explore the Pacific Islands. Part I contains a wealth of information on preparing the boat, her equipment, and crew; the weather and seasons; provisioning; ocean cruising techniques; health matters; radio communications and achieving happy relationships with the South Sea Islanders. Part II examines the choice of routes, both east to west and west to east, and provides a comprehensive overview of each of the island groups through which the routes pass. Part III gives landfall information with detailed chartlets for 43 harbours. Included are the principal arrival and departure points in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, New Zealand and Australia. 

Ocean Cruising on a Budget by Anne Hammick

Fra WHSmith Bookshop


Dette er ikke nogen pilot! Det er en fremragende engelsk bog om, hvorledes en båd så billigt som muligt købes, udrustes og klargøres til langturssejlads, uden at der "gåes" på kompromis med sikkerheden

Engelsk Synopsis
A guide to planning a blue-water voyage whether on a budget or not. The book gives advice on: choosing a suitable boat; locating equipment bargains; priorities - for both safety and enjoyment; shorthanded watchkeeping; the human problems living aboard a small yacht; and budget provisioning.

Many people who dream about voyaging with their own sailboat lose their dream as they wait to get enough funds together to actually buy a boat and the time to live aboard without an income. This book describes how you can buy and refit an older, seaworthy sailboat, and how to budget your funds while underway. Probably the most important lesson from this book is the basic equipment and skills required as a minimum for offshore travel by sailboat. How much money do you need? Figure US$ 10 to 20 thousand for initial boat purchase, the same amount again to bring the boat to seaworthy condition. For your monthly budget, figure out how much you spend now on food and beverages, and add a little if you like to go out. It will probably come out to between $500 and $2000 a month, depending upon your lifestyle. Anne's book explains the most likely method for a cruiser on a budget to successfully break ties from land: through the purchase of a used, fiberglass monohull sailboat of about 30 feet in length. Her focus is on sailing from the British Isles to the Carribbean, and other parts of the Atlantic. The discussion includes what needs to be done to the typical "classic plastic" sailboat to make it ready for an Atlantic Crossing. After reading this book, you will want to move on to other books which focus on the details of navigation, provisioning, maintenance, etc., but this book will give you an excellent overview and help you build your plan.

The Macmillan Reeds Nautical Almanac

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NB ovenstående links giver sikkert ikke den sidste nye udgave. Prøv i stedet at søg på titlen via boghandlens søgemaskine.

Denne bog er helt uundværlig. Bogen dækker kysten fra Skagen til Gibraltar og hele Storbritanien, dvs England, Wales, Skotland og Irland. Den indeholder de nødvendige tidevandstabeller og strømkort. Desuden indeholder bogen de nødvendige anduvningskort og havneplaner. Bogen indeholder også waypoints for anduvninger og passager af de områder, bogen dækker. Der kommer en ny udgave hvert år, så vent med at købe til lige før, du skal af sted. En ældre bog kan bruges med forsigtighed, selv om den er 1 eller 2 år gammel. Alle strømkort og tidevandsangivelser er givet i forhold til højvandet ved Dover. Jeg brugte en 1999 version - sammen med den aktuelle højvandstabel for Dover - under min sejlads hjem fra Caribien i sommeren 2000. En anden mulighed er at gå ind på læsesalen på et bibliotek i England og tage kopier fra den sidste nye version af de aktuelle højvandstabeller for de områder, man har planer om at besøge. Det gjorde jeg selv på biblioteket i Falmouth

Engelsk Synopsis
Ranging from Skagen at the tip of Denmark down to Gibraltar, including the UK and Ireland, this almanac offers data needed for safe navigation. It is divided into 25 areas with harbour, marina, coastal and tidal data, and a marine product and services directory. It has four free updates in 2001

Cruising Guide to The Netherlands by Brian Navin

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Har du planer om at sejle ad de hollandske kanaler, så er dette bogen. Bogen indeholder desuden detaljerede anduvnings-vejledninger for alle hollandske Nordsø havne.

Atlantic Spain and Portugal by Robinson

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Atlantic Spain & Portugal La Coruña to Gibraltar -The RCC Pilotage Foundation

Denne pilot er også helt nødvendig, og den dækker alle Atlant-havne for Spanien og Portugal. Den nyeste version indeholder desuden nyttige waypoints.

Atlantic Islands by Anne Hammick

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Denne pilot er også helt nødvendig, og den dækker alle de atlantiske øgrupper, dvs Azorerne, Madeira, De Canariske Øer og De Kapverdiske Øer. Den nyeste version indeholder desuden nyttige waypoints bla. for ruteplanlægning af Atlant-passager og for havneanduvning.

Engelsk Reviews
The author, Anne Hammick , 5 November, 1999
If you've bought (or been given) a copy of Atlantic Islands it probably means you have a voyage in mind -- good luck!
A lot of work went into the research for this third edition, nearly all during 1998, though I was able to make late changes to light details etc until April 1999. Hopefully you will find it both useful and reliable. However, although it's a truism to say that the rocks don't move, nothing ashore stays the same for very long. Details of facilities in particular soon go out of date, not to mention the odd harbour wall being built -- or maybe falling down. So if, on your travels, you find anything in the new edition of Atlantic Islands which is no longer correct, don't just grouse about it -- write (or e-mail) my publishers and let us know. You'll find their contact details on the outside of the back cover. You may even rate a personal 'thank you' in the acknowledgements to the next edition!
Many thanks and good sailing,
Anne Hammick

Pilots til Caribien

De listede pilots til Caribien kan evnt købes når du komme til Caribien. Den eneste, som bør købes hjemme fra er "Sailor's Guide to the Windward Islands" by Chris Doyle. Den dækker fra Grenada til Martiniqu, dvs. den dækker både Barbadoa og Saint Lucia, som er de mest anvendte anduvnings-øer når man kommer ude fra Atlanten.

NB: Her kan du hente gratis Cruisinguides til Caribien:

NB: Opdateringer og waypoints til Chris Doyle pilots kan hentes på Internettet:

Cruising Guid to Trinidad and Tobago by Chris Doyle

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Pilot, som dækker området omkring Trinidad og Tobago.

NB: Gratis version: TRINIDAD 1.2_2011.06.05.pdf - 2.7 mByte- Tobago mangler i den gratis version!

Sailor's Guide to the Windward Islands by Chris Doyle

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Pilot, som dækker området fra Grenada til Martinique. Bogen indeholder udmærkede anduvnings-kort med waypoints og detaljerede havneplaner, så oversejlingskort er det eneste, som ellers er nødvendigt at købe, for at kunne besejle området. Bogen for "the Leeward Islands" er den bedst gennemarbejdede og den med de bedste kort i Chris Doyl's serie af pilots.

NB: Gratis version The Windward i Islands: Lesser Antilles Bk 3 FINAL 2012-1.09.12.pdf - 28 MByte!

Cruising Guide to the Leeward Islands by Chris Doyle

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Pilot, som dækker området fra Dominica til St Martin. Bogen er den tykkeste - flere reklaner; men den er ikke så gennemarbejdet som den tilsvarende for "The Leeward Islands".

NB: Gratis version The Leeward Islands: Lesser Antillles Bk 2 FINAL 2012.07.01.pdf - 34 MByte!

Cruising Guide to the Virgin Islands by Chris Doyle

Fra WHSmith Bookshop

Amazone UK

Pilot, som dækker de britiske Virgin Islands og de amerikanske Virgin Islands, med bl.a. de tidligere danske Vestindiske øer: St Thomas, St Croix og St John. Desuden dækker bogen også Spansk Virgin Islands.

P.S. Har du planer om at besøge de tidligere danske Vestindiske øer med skib, så husk at alle besætningsmedlemmer skal have et visum i passet fra den amerikanske ambassade i København - ellers koster det over 1000kr per person blot for at få en opholdstilladelse!.

NB: Gratis version The Virgin Islands: Lesser Antilles Bk I FINAL 2012.07.01.pdf - 12 MByte!

World Cruising Routes by Jimmy Cornell

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Har du planer om at sejle længere end til Caribien f.eks. Jorden rundt, så er Jimmy Cornell's bog om rute-informationer, vejrinformationer og waypoints mm. helt uundværlig.

A guide providing over 500 sailing routes throughout the world, geared specifically to the needs of long distance cruising sailors. It contains essential information on winds, currents, regional and seasonal weather as well as suggestions concerning optimum times for individual routes.

World Cruising Handbook by Jimmy Cornell

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Dette er Jimmy Cornell's sidste udgivelse. Jeg har mødt flere langturssejlere, som havde købt denne bog. Bogen indeholder informationer om de forskellige lande med  toldregler, visumkrav mm. Det må forventes at indholdet forældes relativt hurtigt så man skal nok vente med at købe bogen til lige før man skal af sted.

NB: De samme informationer kan hentes via Internettet via NoonSite:

"A must-have book... an important reference that will be cherished."

Cruising World
"It gives all the specific, pertinent information one expects from a cruising guide, but on a worldwide scale... encyclopedic in scope."

Practical Sailor
"This is perhaps your best general-purpose reference for world cruising."

Book Description
A companion volume to Cornell's World Cruising Routes, this practical edition provides a rich source of essential information on planning and executing any overseas voyage. Part tourist guide, part specialist cruising handbook, this meticulously researched and edited second edition is completely updated. Part One covers health precautions, insurance, safety, flag etiquette, cruising permits, visas, and other documents. Part Two, the heart of the book, supplies specific information on language, currency, political situation, culture, climate, and religion for more than 180 countries. There is detailed information on ports of entry, customs requirements, clearance procedures, yacht clubs, and more. Part Three gives sources of weather forecasts worldwide, radio and cellular communications networks, life raft service stations, and a glossary of useful terms in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Gratis Pilots til Caribien

Jeg har netop - 12 nov. 2012 - set at der er lagt nogle - tilsyneladende nye udmærkede pilots for Caribien - ud på nettet. De nye pilots er oven i købet helt gratis helt gratis. Link:

Jeg har hentet de 3, som dækker det område jeg har gennemsejlet.



Pilots til Middelhavet - anbefalet af Erik Lisberg og Arne Poulsen



Ohøj Captain.
Hermed titlen på den sejler ordbog, som vi snakkede om: Yachtsman's Ten Language Dictionary.
Endvidere kan jeg oplyse, at biblerne i de områder vi sejler i hedder: Greek Waters Pilot, og Turkish Waters and Cyprus Pilot.
Begge skrevet af "guruen" Rod Heikell. Papirkortene er: Imrays -Tetra charts for Greece and Turkey.
Med hilsner til søens folk
Erik Lisberg



Bøger anbefalet af Arne Poulsen:

Hej Flemming!

Du tror jo nok jeg helt har glemt mit løfte om at sende info omkring Pilot book's for Middelhavet. Det har jeg ikke!, men jeg kunne ikke huske ret mange detaljer, da jeg var hjemme , så jeg har altså ventet indtil nu, hvor jeg sidder med bøgerne i hånden.
Som du kan se er de alle engelsksprogede, og det er en fordel for mig.  De er alle i samme serie nemlig engelske Royal Crusing Club Foundation og udgivet på forlaget Imray Laurie & Wilson.
Jeg har også set på andre pilot books, og de har selvfølgelig alle deres fordele og ulemper. På de tyske bådmesser har jeg også set bøgerne fra de tyske forlag henholdsvis Delius Klasing og Edition Maritim og de er også ganske udmærkede, men personlig synes jeg bedre om de engelske bøger fra Imray Laurie. Det er nok lidt om hvad man har tilvændt sig til. En fordel, synes jeg, er den logiske opbygning af bogens afsnit. Forrest er der et oversigtskort som dækker hele området med de enkelte delområder indtegnet og sidehenvisninger hertil. Når man så går til delområderne er de igen opdelt i detailområder med korthenvisniger, og hvis nødvendigt er detailområderne igen underopdelt i underområder. Det giver en logisk og hurtig vej til at finde de nødvendige informationer. Når man sidder og planlægger har man som regel tid nok til at finde rundt, men skal man undervejs hurtigt finde alternativer ruter og havneinformationer, så fungerer dette system særdeles godt.
Rod Heikell har skrevet og redigeret mange af bøgerne, og han skal roses for hans gode skitser, både af havneplaner med dybder, men også de gode skitser / kortaftryk af detailområder. De er meget fine når man skal anduve et kystområde og finde indsejling til havne eller ankerbugte. Det erkendes også, at det er samme forlag ( Imtray ) som udgiver de oversejlingskort jeg har anvendt ( Imray Admiralty Charts ), skitser og kort ligner hinanden. Men som nævnt smag og behag er forskellig og jeg er sikker på at andre er lige så glade for de pilot books som de nu kender og har vænnet sig til.
Jeg nævner de Pilot book's jeg har brugt i den rækkefølge jeg har anvendt dem.
Dækker området fra la Coruna i nordspanien langs Atlanterhavskysten til Gibraltar. Denne bog kender du sikkert.
2. Mediterranean Spain - Costas del Sol & Blanca.
Dækker området fra Gibraltar op til Capo de San Antonio nord for Alicante. Havnene Alicante, Calpe og Moraira er typisk affarende sted, når man kommer sydfra og vil have den korteste distance over til Balearerne Ibiza, Formentera og Mallorca. Ca. 70 sømil så vidt jeg husker.
3. Islas Baleares.
Dækker som titlen nævner alle kystområder omkring Balearerne: Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca og Menorca.
Dækker Vestkysten af Italien fra den franske grænse ned over sydkysten op til "hælen" med byerne Santa Maria de Leuca, Otranto og Brindisi, som er affarende sted for sejlads over mod Grækenland. ( Ca 60 - 70 sømil over til Corfu ) Desuden dækkes også øerne Sardinien og Sicilien, samt Pantelariske øer og Malta helt sydpå mod Tunis.
En meget stor og omfattende pilot bog. Min udgave er fra 1998 og da jeg sejlede i området i 2001 fandt jeg desværre en del fejl og visse steder ufyldestgørende oplysninger, men det er sikkert rettet i senere udgaver.
5. Greek Water Pilot - af Rod Heikell.
Det er nok "biblen" for alle sejlere i Grækenland. Jeg har ikke mødt nogle som ikke har den ombord i græske farvande. Dækker hele havområdet omkring Grækenland og de mange øer, incl. Kreta. Absolut fyldestgørende.
6. Ionian  - Rod Heikell.
En mindre Pilot Book som dækker Ioniske Hav fra Corfu nord til Zakynthos i syd. Lidt mere detailleret på få områder for det Ioniske øer, men unødvendig at købe hvis man har anskaffet sig Greek Water Pilot. Skal man kun sejle  det Ioniske hav er den dog fuldt tilstrækkelig.
N.B. For græske farvande kan man også købe den officielle græske havnelods. Greece Sea Guide. De er mere omfattende og har rigtig mange gode detaljer omkring ankerpladser, bl. a. "vindroser" med angivelser af typiske vindretninger og styrker på de forskellige tider af året. Den er opdelt i fire bøger: Ionian, Nordlige Ægæerhav, Kykladerne og Kreta, samt Dodekaneserne. Hver bog koster ca. 80 Euro altså i alt 320 Euro, hvilket vel er 3-4 gange prisen på Heikell's bog. De er så også meget mere informative og detaillerede, specielt for ankerpladser.
7. Tyrkish Waters & Cyprus Pilot - af Rod Heikell
Dækker hele den tyrkiske kyststrækning fra Georgien i nord ved Sortehavet til Syrien i syd, plus øen Cypern og den lille græske ø Kastellorizon som ligger ud for sydvest tippen af Tyrkiet ved byen Kaas.
Desværre har jeg kun en ældre udgave af denne Pilot book, så jeg må undvære farvelagte skitser og farvebilleder, som er i den nyere udgave fra 2001, som nu også er lidt aldrende. Måske kommer der  en helt ny udgave i år.

Desuden vil jeg lige nævne at vi har rigtig megen glæde af "Lonely Planet" guide bøgerne. De er fyldt med værdifulde oplysninger, om de lande, byer og områder man er i, og skal man en smut ind i landet har de megen god information om hoteller etc. og vel og mærke info som passer til os på et lavt sejlerbudget. Vi er meget glade for disse


Med venlig hilsen
Arne Poulsen 

Yachtsman's Ten Language Dictionary.

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This edition of this multilingual dictionary, specifically geared to yachtsmen, has now been expanded and now includes English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, GreekIt coversdevelopments in electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment, GRP boat construction and the patterns of charter, flotilla and cruising skippers. Arranged in subject categories for easy reference, it offers a comprehensive reference.

Reviewer: By: CH-8155 Niederhasli Switzerland

I have been cruising in many different areas around this beautiful globe and I find this dictionary to be one of the few available on the market. The book is divided up in to catagories such as the hull, deck, navigation, commands, refrigeration, engine etc., although I am fluent in French and German, this book aids me immensely to navigate through the seaman's language in 10 different toungues. Sailor's terminology can be rather intimdating to some people in their own language, let alone in another foreign language. I you are planning a cruise around the Caribbean, Mediterranean, South America or Africa buy this dictionary. The only negative part about this book, is that it contains no middle eastern or far eastern languages such as Arabic, Persian, Thai, Chinese, Fiji or Indonesian. If they would have added these languages to the book, it would have been too combursome to use hold the dictionary.

Greek Waters Pilot by Rod Heikell

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Reviewer: By: from Richmond, Surrey, UK

Rod Heikell's guides are seen as the definitive guides to sailing (cruising) in Greek waters.
Ports, harbours and marinas are clearly and accurately described and the diagrams are clear and easy to follow. We sailed recently in Greece and along with the Imray chart, this guide formed all the information you are likely to need.
My one complaint is that co-ordinates are not given for the ports, harbours, marinas and other points of interest such as quiet anchorages and bays. To input these into the GPS meant going back to the chart, where it would have been so much easier to be able to lift them straight from the guide. Hopefully this will be fixed in later editions. Otherwise an essential guide to anyone wanting to cruise the waters around Greece.

Turkish Waters and Cyprus Pilot by Rod Heikell

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Since its publication in 1985, Rod Heikell's Turkish Waters & Cyprus Pilot has been the only comprehensive pilot for the coasts of Turkey available in English. This sixth edition is a major revision. During 2000 Rod Heikell spent some three months sailing and exploring the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts in seven tenths collecting the latest information, drawing new harbour plans and taking new photographs. The technical information at the beginning of the book has been recompiled and redesigned and new waypoint lists have been added to meet the needs of modern navigation. This data has now been assembled and incorporated in this new full colour edition. Turkish Waters & Cyprus Pilot covers the coasts and islands from Istanbul, through the Sea of Marmara, the Dardanelles, the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts to the Syrian border. Despite tourist development during recent years, Turkey remains largely undiscovered. Its background, combining fine coastal scenery, a classical history and a culture that blends East and West, makes it a most attractive and peaceful cruising ground. This pilot also covers the island of Cyprus, the small Greek outpost of Kastellorizon and the Black Sea coast of Turkey for which the notes provided by the author will be of interest to those yachtsmen going northwards.

Italian Waters Pilote by Rod Heikell

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Reviewer: A reader from Århus, Denmark

This book is a must for anyone wanting to cruise in the beautiful Mediterranean sea and enjoy Italy's coast and many islands to the full, offering first class information, full colour photographs and detailed sketches.

Bøger om teknik

Self-Steering Under Sail: Autopilot and Wind Steering Systems
by Peter Christian Forthmann (Preface) and Jimmy Cornell 

160 Pages [ July 1998 ]
McGraw-Hill; ISBN:0070220115

NB: Bogen kan hentes gratis på nettet i PDF-format, 7,2 MB - klik her.


Book Description
All voyaging sailboats require some form of automatic steering to relieve shorthanded crew from having to steer every minute underway. Even coastal cruising boats find automatic steering a welcome convenience. Electric autopilots are the usual choice for weekending and coastal cruising; voyagers prefer the greater reliability and lower power draw of windvane systems, but there are hybrids that offer the best of both worlds. This book explains it all, filling a large gap in the marine how-to-literature.

Copyright 1998, McGraw-Hill

Jimmy Cornell´s Foreword of the book:

"For some strange reason, most cruising people profoundly dislike steering by hand. The prospect of spending hour after hour at the helmused to deter most people from long distance cruising. This is undoubtedly the main reason why, until relatively recently, the number of sailing boats venturing far afieldwas very small indeed. However, all that changed with the advent of automatic pilots specifically built for yachts plus the development of efficient wind operated self-steering devices. Suddenly, the chore of hand-steering was a thing of the past and long ocean passages could be a pleasure – even on yachts with the smallest of crews. Having made one circumnavigation of over 70.000 miles with an Aries and another of some 40.000 with a Hydrovane, I could not be accused of exaggerating if I state unreservedly that one of the most important pieces of equipment on any cruising yacht is a wind-operated self-steering gear.

Unfortunately, and surprisingly, this view is not shared by many Cruising sailors. This is primarily because most of us have grown up with technology around us, we tend to take the push-button mentality with us to sea. Steering a given course is easy to achieve by setting a compass course and pushing a button on the autopilot, and, nowadays, this is what most sailors perfer to do. It is usually on the first morning with flat batteries that the love-affair with their favourite toy comes to an aprupt end. Having been forced to listen to countless heart-rendering stories on this very theme at the end of the ARC or similar trans-ocean rally, I managed to persuade Peter Förthmann to come to Las Palmas before the start of the ARC to talk to our participants about the pros and cons of self-steering. His talks and workshops became an instant success, not only becausde he knows this subject better than anyone else in the world, but also because he always speaks generically about both wind-operated self-steering gears and electronic autopilots. He never tried to sell his own products and, in this way, enjoyed the interest and confidence of his audience.

I am therefore pleased, not only that he took my advice to write this long-overdue book, but also that he managed to do it so fairly and objectively by giving all his competitors an equal opportunity to make their products known. Alle existing systems are described in the following pages, allowing the reader to make up his own mind. Many sailors agree that Peter´s Windpilot is currently the best gear available. Being both the inventor and manufacturer of this ingenious device, Peter has indeed shown that his name should stand alongside those of his great precursors: Blondie Hasler, Marcel Gianoli, Nick Franklin. This book confirms Peter Förthmann´s standing as the world authority on wind-operated self-steering gears." 

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