Tutorials and Lessons on C# programming.

Free Online C# Programming Tutorials. Begin learning C# and .Net programming from these lessons.
Articles & Resources
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C# Tutorial - Introduction
C# is a relatively new language introduced by Microsoft. It offers excellent support for web functionality, XML and database access. This tutorial introduces some of the major aspects of C# and .NET programming.
Why C#?
This feature addresses the question of why C# and .Net warrant serious consideration as the environment of choice for new development of applications on Windows. Learn more about the features of C# and .Net.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 1 - Hello World
This tutorial is an easy to follow introduction to C#. It introduces basic C# syntax by developing a program that writes "Hello World" to the console or screen.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 2: Compiling and Executing Using Visual Studio
A lesson showing how to compile and execute a simple "Hello World" C# program using Visual Studio.net
C# Tutorial - Lesson 5: Operators
This lesson covers mathematical operators. C# supports the standard operators: + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication and / for division. This lesson also looks at the modulus or remainder operator, at short hand notations for self-assignments and on a special increment and decrement operators.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 3: Data Types
A lesson describing data types in C#. Learn about intrinsic and user defined types. Learn about value and reference types.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 4: Variables
This lesson covers declaring and using variables of built-in or intrinsic type. Rules for choosing variable names are presented. Conversion or promotion between variables of different types is discussed.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 6: Constants
Many times it is useful to be able to declare and use constant values within your programs. C# allows constants to be specified in three ways: literal constants, symbolic constants and enumerations. In turn, each will be examined in this lesson. Learn more.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 7: Console Input and Output
This lesson introduces the use of simple input and output in C#. Methods to read output from your keyboard and write output to a DOS (or command) window are discussed. The string data type will also be introduced.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 8: If/Else Statements and Relational Operators
A lesson on conditional processing in C#, covering if and else statements. Relational operators are also discussed.
C# Tutorial - Lesson 9: Switch Statements and Logical Operators
This second lesson on conditional processing introduces both the switch statement and logical operators.
Microsoft's .NET Home Page
Microsoft's .NET Home Page.
MS Visual C# Developer Center
This is Microsoft's home page for C#
C# Corner
This site offers many articles on C# and .Net. It is a rich resource.
C# Coder
Offers C# programming tips, tutorials, tips and tricks and other useful information that developers can use immediately.
C# Tutorial
A good tutorial on C#.


C / C++


Articles on ASP.NET
Articles & Resources
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ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial
A series of examples with brief explainations that will get you started with ASP.NET.
ASP.NET Tutorial
A free online ASP.NET tutorial.
ASP Free
This page contains a nice collection of articles on ASP.net
Moving to ASP.NET
This article discusses some of the advantages offered by ASP.NET and how to begin to implement in ASP.NET.
FREE ASP.net Book by Charles Carroll
A free on-line book covering ASP.NET. It has many nice examples but the explanations are very brief. It will be more useful if you already know a little about ASP.NET.