Using Microsoft FrontPageLink to the original page: |
FrontPage - Step by Step
This section will guide you step-by-step through configuring Microsoft FrontPage to exchange files between your computer and your web site. The steps shown here are for FP2000, but older versions work in the same manner. In order to proceed, you'll need to have three things: Microsoft FrontPage installed; a connection to the Internet via your Internet service provider; and you'll need to have installed the FrontPage extensions in your account Control Panel (see to the right for more information on extensions). Create a Simple Page Before you can publish an html file to your web site with FrontPage, you must either have a page already created, or create a page. To create a page with FrontPage, follow these simple steps:
1. With FrontPage open, choose File --> New . 2. Type in "FrontPage test" 3. From the menu bar, choose File --> Save As. 4. Name the html file. Once you have the file saved to your hard drive, you are ready to
publish the file. 1. From the menu bar, choose File --> Publish Web . You'll get a dialog box like this: 2. Click on the Options button You will see a dialog box like this: 3. In box below Specify the location to
publish your site to: enter the full URL for your site. 4. If this is the first time you are publishing your site, select Publish all pages... 5. Select Include subwebs . You should now have a dialog box that looks like this: Be sure to use your real domain name instead of '' ! 6. Click the Publish button. You should now see a dialog box like this one: 7. Enter your username and password. If you have entered all the details correctly, FrontPage 2000 will then publish your site. You will see a dialog box like this one when it has finished: 8. Click Done . Where can I find additional FrontPage support? For more FAQ's and support please go to Microsoft's Product Support Services site at For Microsoft's Personal Online Support Services for all Microsoft's products including FrontPage please go to For Tips and News about FrontPage from CNET's please go to |
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FrontPage Questions and Answers
![]() Your account Control Panel has a button called "MS Frontpage". Select this button and on the next screen, select "Install Front Page" - it's that simple! Why do I have to have FrontPage extensions installed? Installing FrontPage server extensions gives you full support of all the features of FrontPage. Features include remote authoring, threaded discussion groups, full text search and surveys. What is the scope of technical support for FrontPage?
We are not able to provide extensive support related to the use of your FrontPage software, but there are good places to look. Please see "Where can I find additional FrontPage support?" What are FrontPage server extensions? FrontPage server extensions are CGI programs which provide the server side implementation of FrontPage. FrontPage communicates with the extensions via Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (HTTP) using a Remote Procedure Call (RPC). When the server sees the "POST" request addressed to the FrontPage server extensions it simply directs the request to the appropriate CGI program. The extensions implement authoring (uploading/downloading documents, To Do Lists), administration (setting end-user, author, and administrator privileges), and dynamic content (browse-time WebBot components). Without the FrontPage Server Extensions you will not be able to take advantage of the WebBots that are available through FrontPage. Also, without the extensions you cannot author and administer your web using the tools provided as part of the FrontPage Editor/Explorer package. Are there any precautions that I need to be aware before I begin using FrontPage to publish my site? In order to protect the FrontPage extensions on your Unix account, please take into consideration the following precautions:
NOTE: The exception to this is when loading custom scripts to the cgi-local directory on your site. Check "Writing CGI scripts" for more information on working with custom scripts. What is a WebBot? WebBots are the mechanism for invoking many of the interactive features built into FrontPage. These features are added to your web through the FrontPage Editor | Insert FrontPage Component. Some, such as Include and Substitution allow elements of the web to be entered once and included in any or all of the pages by inserting the Bot component referencing that element for example a logo or a navigation bar. Changes made to the "master" element are made automatically to any page containing the referencing WebBot. Other WebBots, such as Search, Table of Contents and Timestamp, control dynamic browse-time features. These WebBots work "behind the scene" to keep your site up-to-date for visitors. Are all of the features available in FrontPage supported on my site? FrontPage was created for developing websites in the Windows environment, so the following features are not available on our UNIX servers:
Why doesn't my new password work in my FrontPage web? Loading and changing passwords in FrontPage is a little more complicated than with FTP programs. To set or change passwords, you'll need to log on to your current web in order for the security menu choice to be active. To change the user and password for FrontPage login: Go to the FrontPage menu: 1. Click: Tools->Permissions[Tools->Security in FP2000] 2. Add: Name, Password 3. Click "Administer, author and browse.." radio button 4. Click "Apply" and then "Ok". To change the password: Click: Tools->Change Password[Tools->Security->Change Password in FP2000] Type in old password, then new (if you've lost your old password send us a note!). |
Password Protection 1You have the ability to password protect directories using your Control Panel so that only users with proper logins have access to those directories. To do so, log into your Control Panel and click on the box below and follow the instructions.
To remove password protection: go to the link
above, load the the directory you want to work with. A list of
users should come up. If there are no users listed then your
directory is not password protected. Click on the user that you
want to remove password protection for. If you want to get rid
of password protection all together than clear all the users as in the
process above. FrontPage Enabled Sites, READ FIRST: If you use FrontPage and have installed FrontPage extensions, you should follow the directions below. Do not use the Control Panel Option above, as this will cause FrontPage to function incorrectly.
Password -Protect 2 FrontPage Sites |
Neil Randall |
How can I password-protect only certain portions of a FrontPage 2000 web? Specifically, how do I password-protect the discussion group on my Web site created in FrontPage? Catherine Adams FrontPage 2000's web permissions features, like those of FrontPage 98, can be confusing and trying, partly because they're not all that powerful. In addition, they have to work in conjunction with the Web server, and how they do so depends on which type of server is hosting your web. FrontPage only lets you password-protect an entire web or subweb (a subweb being a FrontPage web created within another FrontPage web). Select Tools | Security | Permissions (see Figure 1). Tell the Permissions dialog to use unique permissions for this web, click Apply, and then click the Users tab. Select the radio button Only registered users have browse access and then OK to change the permissions. You can then call up the Permissions dialog again to add users and their passwords, then e-mail them and supply them with the URL and username/password combination. You cannot password-protect a single file from within FrontPage itself, but you can work around this limitation and password-protect a single page by creating a one-page subweb, setting its permissions, and then linking to that page from the parent (or other) web. Actually, this isn't a bad idea anyway; you should keep the interactive elements of your site separate from the rest. In the case of the discussion web feature, the easiest way to apply protection is to use the Discussion Web Wizard. Select File/Open/Web, tell FrontPage where on the server to store the new web, and then fill in the details until you come to the question Will the discussion take place in a protected web? Click the Yes radio button and keep going. The other point of confusion lies with the way FrontPage interacts with different servers. Knowing how to change permissions is all well and good, but it's useful only if the server cooperates. If you run your own Web server, no sweat, but if you're using a hosting service, you might not be able to do what you want. IIs uses Windows NT/2000's security, for example, and you have to add users through Win NT/2000's administrative tools. Of course, you won't always have access to these. The security on Unix and Linux servers can be set in a variety of ways, and not only might you be unable to add users or set permissions, you might be completely unable to access the Permissions dialog through FrontPage (it might be grayed out). These are points to consider when you're signing up for your account in the first place. |
Tips using FrontPageBy Scott R. Garrigus(9/1/98) More than half a million Web builders use Microsoft FrontPage 98, and more than 1.5 million people use some version of the product, according to Microsoft. That's a lot of users, and for good reason. FrontPage 98 is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to Wysiwyg HTML editors, supporting JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Internet Explorer 4.0's channel definition format (CDF) push platform. It makes it easy for just about anyone to build a Web site using the latest Net technologies. But just because FrontPage 98 is easy to use doesn't mean it's easily mastered. Every program has its hidden or not-so-obvious features you'd find useful if only you knew about them. For instance, did you know adding a paragraph tag right before a table just got easier in FrontPage 98? And were you aware that you can customize your themes without much work at all? To help further your knowledge of this popular Web building product, CNET has collected 22 helpful tips. We'll tell you what you need to know to make Web building with FrontPage even easier
Sådan uploader du din egen hjemmeside til din home-server med Internet
Explorer FTP
Hvis du ikke har installeret et FTP program, kan du vælge at benytte Internet
Sådan uploader du din egen hjemmeside til din home-server med WS-FTP LE
Hvis du ikke allerede har installeret WS-FTP LE, kan du hente det hos
eller installere det fra Opasia CD'en.
Øverst til venstre i skærmbilledet står der Local System, og øverst
til højre står der Remote System.
Local System henviser til dit eget lokale system - dvs. til din computer.
Remote System viser hvad du på nuværende tidspunkt har liggende på dit
websted (din home-server).
Du kan nu begynde at flytte dine hjemmesidefiler fra din computer over
på dit websted, så man kan se filerne på internettet. Det gør du således:
Ordliste til WS-FTP LE
Knapperne fungerer som følger:
ChgDir | Skifter katalog - du kan dobbeltklikke direkte i vinduet for samme effekt. |
MkDir | Opretter et nyt katalog. |
View | Vil vise indholdet af den markerede fil. |
Exec | Vil forsøge, at eksekvere (starte) den markerede fil. |
Rename | Giver mulighed for at omdøbe en fil. |
Delete | Vil slette den markerede fil. |
Refresh | Genopfrisker listen af filer. |
DirInfo | Giver oplysninger om det aktuelle katalog. |